Chinedum Francis Foundation Worldwide (CFF): Empowering Women and Girls’ Globally
The Chinedum Francis Foundation Worldwide is a registered international women's rights organization dedicated to eradicating violence and discrimination against women and girls worldwide.
Chinedum Francis Foundation Worldwide is dedicated to promoting gender equality, and empowering women and girls’ to reach their full potential.
Our key focus areas include:
- Ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Combating Early Child Marriage
- Eliminating Domestic Violence Against women
- Preventing Femicide and Sexual Abuse
- Protecting Widows from Maltreatment
- Promoting Women’s Political Participation
- Advancing Girls’ Education
- Emergency Support for Women and Girls
- Women's Health
- Promoting Gender Equality, etc.
Key Objectives:
1. Eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Early Child Marriage, and Domestic violence against women, Femicide, and Sexual Abuse.
2. Promote girls' education and women's empowerment through education, economic independence, and political participation.
3. Advance gender equality and women's rights, challenging discriminatory laws, policies, and practices.
4. Provide emergency support and assistance to women and girls affected by conflict, natural disasters, and other crises, etc.
Strategic Focus Areas:
1. Advocacy and Policy Influence
2. Education and Awareness-Raising
3. Community Development and Empowerment
4. Emergency Response and Humanitarian Assistance
5. Research and Documentation, etc.
Mission Statement
Empowering women and girls to reach their full potential, and lead violence-free lives by providing support, resources and advocacy.
Vision Statement
A world where gender equality is the norm, where violence against women and girls is a thing of the past and where all women and girls have the freedom, opportunity, and resources to achieve their dreams and make their mark on the world
v Raising awareness about violence against women and girls.
v Building capacity for organizations that work to prevent violence against women and girls.
v Advocating for policies and laws that protect the rights of women and girls.
v Providing direct support to women and girls who have experienced violence.
v Promoting positive social norms around gender equality.
v Increasing access to education for girls in underserved communities.
v Providing economic empowerment opportunities for women.
v Addressing gender-based discrimination in the workplace.
v Tackling harmful gender stereotypes and biases.
v Building partnerships with other organizations working to advance gender equality.
v Promoting gender-sensitive data collection and analysis.
v Engaging men and boys in the fight for gender equality.
v Addressing gender-based violence in humanitarian crises.
v Promoting women's political participation and leadership.
v Improving women's access to sexual and reproductive health services.
v To provide medical care and services to elderly women, ensuring they receive the attention and support they deserve.
v Offering financial assistance to widows, enabling them to start or expand their businesses and achieve economic independence.
v Providing legal aid and representations to women and girls’ in war zones, crisis, and emergency situations, survivors of domestic violence, rape, early girl-child marriage, and other forms of exploitation, and vulnerable women and girls’ in prisons, and widows facing maltreatments, discrimination, and marginalization.
v Distribution of free sanitary pads to vulnerable girls’ in rural communities.
v Empowering women and girls’ through organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, providing skill acquisition programs, and conducting community outreaches.
Core Values
o Integrity: We will be honest, transparent, and ethical in all of our work.
o Empowerment: We will support and uplift women and girls to be agents of their own change.
o Inclusivity: We will respect and value the diversity of women and girls.
o Collaboration: We will work together with partners to achieve our goals.
o Courage: We will not be afraid to take bold and innovative action to advance gender equality.
o Innovation: We will embrace new ideas and approaches to advancing gender equality.
o Accountability: We will be accountable to the women and girls we serve, and we will strive for results.
o Respect: We will respect the rights, dignity, and autonomy of women and girls.
o Sustainability: We will create long-term, sustainable solutions to gender inequality.
o Passion: We will approach our work with passion and a commitment to making a difference.
1. To empower 5 million women and girls worldwide to lead violence-free lives by 2030.
2. To achieve gender equality in 20 countries by 2040.
3. To reduce the incidence of violence against women and girls by 75% by 2050.
4. Reduce the prevalence of FGM, Early Child Marriage, and Domestic Violence by 20% in targeted communities.
5. Increase the number of girls in school and women in leadership positions by 30% in targeted regions.
We collaborate with governments, international organizations, civil society groups, and community leaders to achieve our mission and objectives.
”I look forward to the day when half our homes are run by men and half our companies and institutions are run by women. When n that happens, it’s won’t just mean happier women, and families, it will mean more successful businesses and better lives for us all.’’
--- Mrs. Sheryl Sandberg
Former Facebook Executive
The quest to eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls’ worldwide, led to the establishment of Chinedum Francis Foundation Worldwide (CFF). Ending all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls’ has become everyone’s responsibility.
Former First Lady of United States, Mrs. Michelle Obama said, “You can be the generation that stands up and says that violence against women and girls’ in any form, in any place, including the home, especially the home- that isn’t just a women’s rights violation, it’s a human rights violation.”
Helen Keller says, “I think the degree of nation’s civilization may be measured by the degree of enlightenment of its women.’ She also said that, “Every child has the rights to be well-born, well-nurtured, and well-taught, and only the freedom of women and girls’ can guarantee him this right.
In Chinedum Francis Foundation Worldwide (CFF), we believe that every woman and girl has the right to be safe from violence and marginalization in all its forms. Violence and discrimination against women and girls’ occurs throughout the world-globally.
150 million girls’ fewer than 18 have experienced rape, and other forms of sexual abuses.
Domestic and sexual violence is often hidden away behind closed doors with the victims suffering in silence. French proverbs have it that “Men make roads, but it is the women who teach the children to walk on them.’ Our society need to respect womanhood.
If you want to know the quality of men in any society, look out how the women of that society are being treated. We must end this not only because violence against women and girls’ cause huge physical and emotional trauma, but because it prevent women and girls from realizing their full potentialities. In turn, these impeded social and economic developments, keeping girls’ and women, communities and entire countries trapped in the circle of poverty.
Call to Action:
Join us in our quest to create a safer, more equitable world for women and girls. Together, we can make a difference!